Jump aboard the high-octane conspiracy thriller that follows Sean Walker (Jason Ritter, The Class) as he investigates the disappearance of his would-be fiancée Leila (Sarah Roemer, Disturbia), unwittingly exposing a cover-up so big it could change the fate of all mankind. Sean’s quest sends ripples through the lives of an eclectic band of strangers, including newly-elected U.S. President Elias Martinez and Sophia Maguire, the leader of a mysterious group of detainees. From Nick Wauters (The 4400), Steve Stark (Medium), Jeffrey Reiner (Friday Night Lights) and Evan Katz (24) comes a suspense-filled journey where the answers only lead to bigger questions.From producers Nick Wauters (The 4400), Steve Stark (Medium), Jeffrey Reiner (Friday Night Lights) and Evan Katz (24) comes a suspense-filled journey where the answers only lead to bigger questions.
Starring Jason Ritter (Candy, Freddy vs. Jason, Amazon Prime’s Gen Z), Sarah Roemer (Disturbia), Laura Innes (ER, How to Get Away with Murder), Blair Underwood (Rules of Engagement, Deep Impact, Showtime’s Three Women), Clifton Collins Jr (Star Trek (2009), Pacific Rim), Roger Bart (Law Abiding Citizen, The Producers), Hal Holbrook (Lincoln, Wall Street), and Scott Patterson (CTV’s Sullivan’s Crossing).
This 5-disc set includes all 22 suspense-filled episodes of the series and is loaded with bonus content! Special features include Making of THE EVENT Featurettes, Dr. Dempsey Alternate Story, Deleted Scenes, and Episode Commentaries with Creators, Cast, and Crew.
The Event: The Complete Series lands on Blu-ray for the first time ever on June 6, 2023.
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