Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Martin Simmonds
Published by Image Comics
This book has been a decent time since it’s inception.
Writer James Tynion IV is really doing a great job building this world. He is making something that feels fresh and accessible sprinkled with a lot of creativity to boot.
Agent Cole Turner has been through a lot in the past few issues.
As this book starts, we get to see him still unbalanced from all of the things that he is learning. The conspiracy theories have been running rampant and he has been trying to deal with them all.
The latest one has to with how those very conspiracy theories start to have thoughts of their own. We get to see the ramifications of that as this issue progresses and it takes us to some really crazy places.
Can Cole and his team put a stop to all of this?
We also get to see a bit of the Tibet Book of the Dead explored here. We get to see how it is playing a bigger part in this story than I certainly expected. There are some dark forces at work and we get to see how it relates to the bigger picture.
Tynion does a great job of keeping it all together. The story is complicated for sure but he never loses sight and keeps his eye on the ball. I wish the artwork was better but at this point all I can do is accept it.
A good issue, overall.

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