We have to say, we’re incredible excited about Dawn of Justice when it’s released in almost exactly a year’s time. The addition of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor has only added to that.
But with the announcement of the Social Network star as Superman’s archenemy, with it came some plot details which suggests Superman heads to Gotham to confront Batman.
Which led us to thinking, Batman would probably just kick his ass.
He’s by far the cooler character, and has all the spin-offs, merchandise, and entertainment to prove it.
Most recently of course that lies with Gotham, the TV crime drama on Fox. Despite only being a season in, it’s already gained huge acclaim, and shows even without the Caped Crusader in it, the draw of Batman regularly beating the first season of Smallville in the ratings.
And ratings is something Batman regularly draws ahead of Clark Kent. The Dark Knight trilogy grossed a considerable amount more than Man of Steel’s $291,045,518, and Batman is the main character in six of DCs top 10 grossing films compared to just three of Superman.
The same applies to gaming. Batman has considerably more games on the market compared to Superman, whose last run out in 2006 in Superman Returns receiving a large amount of criticism.
That compared to Batman in which Arkham Origins and Arkham City got rave reviews, leaves the man with heat vision out in the cold. In fact look on online casino sites like Royal Vegas and you’ll even see a Batman slot machine. You won’t see the man from Krypton with one of those.
It seems Lois Lane is with the wrong man.
Especially when you see what Bruce Wayne is pulling in in terms of merchandise. Of course, he’s already a billionaire businessman, but on top of that Batman earns $494million in shipments of licensed products compared to Superman’s mere $277million, despite him probably plugging them in the Daily Planet.
The truth is in every department Batman is simply superior. His comics are more popular, and in every market he is too. And he doesn’t even need super powers.
That of course isn’t stopping us from counting down the days until Superman and Batman share a screen in 2016. It’ll be interesting to see how Ben Affleck fairs in the wake of Christian Bale’s departure from the role, but that only adds to the excitement.

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