Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Jock
Published by ComiXology
When I heard that Jeff Lemire and Jock were coming together to work on a comic book, I was excited.
Separately, they do amazing work no matter what they are working on. But together?
I couldn’t wait to see how their new collaboration was going to turn out.
I wasn’t disappointed. Their book, Snow Angels, has just came out.
It is a comic that bears both of their stamps of excellence.
The story focuses on Milliken and Mae Mae who are two sisters. They are growing up in a frozen futuristic landscape from hell with their father. There isn’t much around in this frozen tundra.
Except the Trench.
The Trench is a literal trench carved into the world. It is seemingly endless. There are also three rules to which all of the population must obey. If anyone breaks any of those rules, that is when the Snowman comes after them. Within a few pages, I was hooked by this concept.
Lemire is a deft writer, so there is definitely more going on here than meets the eye.
We start to see a little more of what that might be as the issue progresses. There is definitely something bigger going on than the initial concept. Lemire sprinkles his script little clues throughout that keeps the audience guessing as to what that might actually be.
The art by Jock may be the best of his career. Nobody is better at creating a visual world in comics than him.
The book is beautifully designed throughout and the action and drama are both perfect. This is what happens when you get two creators who are totally in sync with each other. The results are astounding.

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