Written by Geoffrey Thorne
Art by Tom Raney, Marco Santucci
Published by DC Comics
This Green Lantern book plods along with this issue again here. The story isn’t that exciting and the characters themselves aren’t ones that you care about.
Overall, it is getting pretty bland with this series right here.
This issue doesn’t help matters all that much.
Far Sector’s Jo Mullen is the only real character in the book who is compelling. We get to see her go up against Sinestro. This should be more exciting than it is. Their confrontation is boring at best.
That’s a real shame too, as it seemed to be the only plot point with any real potential.
Meanwhile, Simon Baz finds out that his former friend and Green Lantern Jessica Cruz is now a Yellow Lantern!
It literally lands with no impact.
We also get to see Kilowog fighting for his life in the Dark Sectors. He is without a power ring and any real support. It should the more exciting than it is but I couldn’t even muster up caring about his story here either.
Geoffrey Thorne writess a very basic script. I wished there was more to it but there just isn’t. The artwork is just okay as well, but nothing special.
I wish this title had some life to it. It just doesn’t.

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