Written by Warren Ellis
Illustrated by Jon Davis-Hunt
Published by DC Comics
The penultimate issue of this series is here and man, is it a doozy.
The creative team of Warren Ellis and Jon Davis-Hunt have been ratcheting up the tension and excitement over the past few issues. Now it’s all reaching to a boiling point and I couldn’t be happier!
Jenny Sparks has grown to be a big electric giant! She is trying to save the world from the invaders sent by Henry Bendix at the start of the issue.
I love that the invaders have an almost Ed Wood quality to the flying saucers. It would be almost funny if they weren’t so deadly.
Henry Bendix seems to have lost his marbles here, yet he is a skillful criminal mastermind.
We see that the rebels on the ground destroy a big saucer. Bendix just calmly formulates a plan. It was one of the most unnerving scenes in the comic book up to now. Ellis and Davis-Hunt show up how devious he is very easily and in a well done way.
Things calm down a bit. The two sides in the conflict get a reprieve and a little bit of a breather from all the violence. But then, something comes down to earth. Something unlike anyone has seen before this.
The threat comes in the the form of this devil looking guy. He comes down to the ground. He doesn’t speak, but he causes a hell of a lot of destruction. He basically looks like he can’t be killed. How is the team going to deal with this guy?
The last panel with Bendix just killed me. I don’t want to spoil it but it’s a hell of a last panel to end the comic on. I’m sad this will be over come next issue. It’s been great. And if this issue is any indication, I have no idea where it is we will end up.

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