Written by Simon Spurrier
Illustrated by Bilquis Evely
Published by DC Comics
This is an okay title that had an okay first issue as far as I’m concerned.
I’m sort of indifferent when it comes to the “new Vertigo” titles.
However, this issue was more of a slight thrill for me as it focuses on the character of Merv Pumpkinhead.
But only a slight one.
This issue starts off with a page of Merv complaining. Apparently, there are a bunch of blank faced creatures taking up the jobs.
This sets forth a change reaction that leads Merv to be angry that things are changing in The Dreaming and it’s not to his liking. It’s an enjoyable start to the book that helped carry my interest throughout.
Merv isn’t proud of what The Dreaming is turning into. He goes from place to place the entire issue and tells everyone his complaints. He talks to the Daniel Sandman. He talks to Cain and Abel. Simon Spurrier has a nice handle on Merv and it shows in every scene. If only if he could make the story itself as compelling.
The book is framed with Merv talking to his new boss as it were.
We don’t see who that boss is until the end. When we get there the reveal isn’t very exciting. I started to wonder what the actual point of this book was. Maybe it’s money? It doesn’t seem to have a strong central story at all that I could decipher.
The art by Bilquis Evely is the highlight of the book. Every character is wonderfully rendered and he has a beautiful way of handling the storytelling. It makes you wish Evely was around when Gaiman was writing the books. It would have maybe been special. This however, is just not.

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