The 1619 PROJECT apparently confirms for the right that the New York Times is a tool of the left.
The recent editorial about free speech apparently confirms for the left that the New York Times is a tool of the right.
I am reminded of a similar Certs based controversy in my youth.
When I was a kid, I recall reading an interview with Raymond Massey, that great overactor, when he was playing kindly Dr. Gillespie on DOCTOR KILDARE. In the 1930s, Massey had been a left wing democratic socialist, a proud supporter of the Popular Front and the New Deal. In the 1960s, he identified as a conservative, while insisting that he hadn’t changed, it was society, and political culture, that had shifted under and around him.
As that kid, I regarded this remark of his as complete and utter bullshit, just the sort of justification for growing more conservative as one grows old, as we’d been led to learn how that sort of thing played out in life.
As an adult, although I may not have changed my political identification, I can, as that kid might have said, dig it.
“Dig,” as in understand. Not as in like.
Apparently, we can now add “Consequences” to the list of what are culturally and to my mind woefully misidentified as inviolable absolutes, along with “Controversial,” “Problematic,” and a few I’m likely forgetting.
Yes, actions have consequences. This does not in any way validate any and/or all reactions as justifiable in their indicated or resultant consequences, just because you, or someone you know, or the idea that the thought of someone who you think might be offended inspires you to be a hero so the world knows you’re just too damned good for that world, or even just one more fucking star chamber with the taste of blood in its teeth, say so.
Just something to think about. Or not.
In the course of a recent modern entertainment, which I enjoyed quite a bit, I was struck by a moment that spoke volumes in regard to the way modern entertainment culture presents itself. A particular character who was an absolute racist and antisemite was not allowed to use, as per the script, as we now politely refer to it, “The N-word,” in regard to Blacks. He was, however, permitted to use, as per the script, and I will politely refer to it here, as “The K-word,” in regard to Jews.
He was more elaborately descriptive in his distaste for Asians.
This should come as no surprise in a culture in which Margaret Atwood’s novel of rightwing theocratic Gilead, in its adaptation for television is, by dint of the casting choice for Moira, one of the handmaids chosen to give birth to surrogate children, apparently no longer white supremacist in nature but multiracial in its Evangelical Protestant fascism.
I have not seen the show, having been baffled into uninterest by this business as portrayed in the trailer. Do they still hang Catholics and Jews on the wall?
Mildly curious.
To cultural amnesia, and historical amnesia, we can now apparently add social amnesia. It seems that one of the hypocritical shitstains, specifically that miserable little prick who used the term “odious and vile” to describe my work, who’d been booted out of the cool kids kangaroo court club of which he’d been an active member, after his career long habit of grooming underage girls came to light, has now emerged from his burrow with a smirk on social media.
Have his fellow opportunists, narcissists and hypocrites forgiven his trespass, and is this just another example of if we do it, it’s okay?
Again, mildly curious.
Considering how lame and smugly ignorant the united and conscience free American identitarian Morlocks have demonstrated themselves to be, a condition resulting from, among other actions, the long game played by the American oligarchy to build an American serfdom, by the simultaneous work of defunding education and demeaning expertise and you know, education, it’s likely too much to ask for gratitude to the lame and smugly ignorant, divided and guilt ridden identitarian American Eloi for coming up with some new morally performative nonsense to sabotage their own future on so regular a basis.
Just a thought.

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