Written by Robert Venditti
Illustrated by Eddy Barrows
Published by DC Comics
The Freedom Fighters property is similar in some respects to the Charlton characters that eventually became Watchmen.
That is to say, DC acquired the Quality Comics heroes and placed them on a team together on Earth-X as part of 1973’s Justice League of America/Justice Society of America team-up.
Flashforward to current day and current media and you see a version of Freedom Fighters with The Ray in last years’ CW crossover Crisis on Earth-X and the animated web series accompanying the 2017 Arrowverse event.
There were some factors leading me to checking out this book, the first being a natural curiosity about this little-known property, and the second was to peek in on an alternate world where Nazis won World War II. If it’s a visit to Earth-X, Star Trek, or The Man in the High Castle, these alternate history tales let the imagination run wild and with each property.
Another important reason for me to check out this book is the mind of Robert Venditti, author of The Surrogates and also known for his relaunch of X-O Manowar at Valiant and recently on Green Lantern and Hawkman at DC.
We’re also a fan of his artistic partner on Freedom Fighters, Eddy Barrows. Barrows is a name we see often but not often enough in my opinion. He’s able to capture the Golden Age heroes in their best light.
This issue exists half in flashback and half in the present day, where new heroes are now taking on the mantle of Freedom Fighters Black Condor, Doll Man, Human Bomb and Phantom Lady.
Find out the fate of Uncle Sam at the stretchy hands of PlaSStic Man and beware of tossing a baseball in Ratzi occupied America in Freedom Fighters #1!
Every couple of years or so DC will dip into this well of JSA lore and I always want to take a peek. I’ll be tuning in to this maxi-series of 12 issues for Freedom Fighters because I can’t wait for more JSA in the upcoming Stargirl series on DC Universe.
This issue read a lot like what we liked about Brubaker’s Captain America run, and if you are a fan of those comics, I highly recommend checking out Freedom Fighters #1!

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