Written by Jon Rivera
Illustrated by Michael Avon Oeming
Published by DC Comics
Well, this review is a little bittersweet. I just read the news that the Young Animal line over at DC Comics will be folding up shop. That’s a real shame too. I have been enjoying the hell out of these titles.
So, right now, Cave Carson is stuck on a distant planet while a psychic war is going on. Cave Carson has been prophesied as one of the factors. All that and he has found a black gooey thingy that he seems rather fascinated by.
All of this is very fast and funny.
The very first few lines of the book gave me a chuckle. One inhabitant of this planet asks another one “When did you start doubting this war?”
The response? “Only this morning.” It’s that set up that starts the book off great and sets a nice tone.
In fact, Jon Rivera keeps it rocking and rolling. He keeps the whole issue quirky and completely weird. The Carson team travel through time and space with glee. The whole thing has a Kirby kind of feel that I’m digging. Oeming retains the artistic creativity of Kirby without ripping him off. But that Kirby energy and the offbeat characters and layouts are all there. It’s evokes Kirby in the best sense.
All of the characters serve a purpose too. From Cave to Chloe to anyone in this book, everyone has a well drawn identity. You also care about every character and can follow the complex and crazy story easily.
There is also a ton of emotion. The last page of the issue is memorable and delightful and sad all at once. It’s a wonderful book.
It’s sad the Young Animal line is going away. It’s been a great run. All we can do now is enjoy the last few issues of these wonderful titles.
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