The fictional story of the first “hypersonic” commercial passenger plane, which can make the flight from New York to London in a mere four hours. On the maiden flight of this plane, a minor disaster occurs resulting in the plane actually leaving the Earth’s atmosphere and orbiting around the globe. A lack of heat-resistant tiling prevents the plane from simply re-entering the atmosphere. With oxygen (and therefore time) running out, the crew of the plane and the crew on the ground must figure out a way to return the plane and its passengers to safety.
Starring Lee Majors, Hal Linden, Lauren Hutton, Ray Milland, and Gail Strickland!
And we’re giving away five copies!
To enter, send an email with the subject header “STARFLIGHT ONE” to geekcontest @ gmail dot com and answer the following question:
Which role did Starflight One star Lee Majors never play?
- Steve Austin
- Bill Maxwell
- Colt Seavers
- Brock Williams
Please include your name, and address (U.S. only. You must be 18 years old).
Only one entry per person and a winner will be chosen at random.
Contest ends at 11:59 PM EST on April 10th, 2022