Written by Chris Eliopoulos, Declan Shalvey, Mike Johnson,
Wil Wheaton, Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing.
Art by Luke Sparrow, Seth Damoose, Angel Hernanndez,
Joe Eisma, Magan Levens, Ramon Rosanas
Published by IDW Publishing
The Star Trek comic book series celebrates it’s 400th issue milestone by giving us a collection of well chosen, thought-provoking short adventures from every era of the Trek universe. Uniquely Star Trek, this collection proves why the franchise has continued to speak to audiences of all ages world-wide for more than half a century.
Each story presents a different tone with appropriate art to match. From the charming “The Starfleeter” following the playmobile-toned adventures of Discovery’s Lt. Detmer, to the existential post-corporal form of The Original Series’ Garry Mitchell in “A Perfect System,” each adventure brings something unique to the table and spoke to me in the very same way as my very favorite Trek episodes do to this day.
Special shout out to Wil Wheaton, The Next Generation’s Wesley Crusher, who well demonstrates his writing prowess by giving us a prequel to his cameo in Star Trek: Picard Season 2. Wesley, ascended to a higher plane of existence, shows us all that no matter how advanced we think we’ve become, there is always room for growth and the opportunity to learn wisdom.
Also included are stories focusing on a pre-Enterprise/Deep Space Nine Miles O’Brien during the Cardassian war, a very brief, like one page brief, interlude with Simon Pegg’s Mr. Scott and a wonderfully written log entry ultimately revealed to be that of the newly commissioned Captain Hikaru Sulu from The Original Series.
As a die-hard Star Trek fan, it was a comfort to feel the writers’ and artists’ passion for the franchise. I enjoyed every panel and I have to thank Kelly and Lanzing for making my nerd tentacles flail by giving Garry Mitchell the attention he deserves.
This is an awesome collection.

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