Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Gary Frank
Published by Image Comics
This series has been pretty darn terrific.
This is the penultimate issue of the book and it is a hell of an issue. I have really liked the other issues, but I have to say that this issue really is the best one of the series thus far.
Geiger is trying to get to sanctuary by any means possible. He has gone through a lot in the past few issues trying to do so. Geiger is pretty much at the end of his rope and he has to go through a lot of obstacles still to get to a safe place.
He finally arrives in sanctuary.
He starts to dig through it. We start to see some of the relics of a world past and the times that have gone by. Geiger also meets some of the survivors that are still around.
That is when he has to make some real hard choices.
Can he help these people?
He also has to face off against a warrior who seems to want nothing else except to see Geiger dead by any means necessary. It gets pretty crazy.
The story by Geoff Johns gets very intense. Everything about it works. The art by Gary Frank is some of the best of his career. Frank only seems to be getting better and this is pretty excellent.
Overall, this is the best issue of this series. Well done

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