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FOG! Exclusive: Excerpt From KNITS FOR NERDS! Make Awesome FIREFLY Socks

Knits for Nerds: 30 Projects Science Fiction, Comic Books, Fantasy by Joan of Dark a.k.a. Toni Carr (Andrews McMeel, $16.99)is available now and offers fabulously dorky patterns inspired by cult classics such as Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, Star Trek, Firefly, and Harry Potter. In addition to comic con-worthy costumes, readers will find instructions for practical projects like an e-reader cover, and a laptop bag that morphs into a chessboard.

And sure, that’s awesome.  But you know what else is awesome?  Firefly’s Jayne Cobb and his knit hat.

And thanks to Knits For Nerds, there’s matching socks.

Learn how to make them after the jump!

Cunning Socks
Designed by Laura Hohman

Enjoy the envious looks of your peers as you kick off your shoes at the next Serenity movie night and show off your “shiny” socks!

Skill Level: Intermediate
Size: Small (medium, large)
Finished Measurements: Circumference: 71/4 (8, 83/4)” [20 (20, 22) cm] Length to ankle: [includes 2” (5 cm) cuff]: 6 (8, 10)” [15 (20, 25) cm]


  • Knit Picks Swish DK (100% superwash Merino wool; 50g/123 yd): 1 skein each in #24634 Semolina (Color A), #24632 Serrano (Color B), and #24637 Orange (Color C)
  • Five size 2 (2.75 mm) double-pointed needles
  • Four size 3 (3.25 mm) double-pointed needles
  • Stitch markers
  • Tapestry needle

Gauge: 6 stitches per 1” (3 cm) on size 3 (3.25 mm) needles in Stockinette stitch

Special Instructions: Color sequence is a repeating A, B, C.
Using size 2 DPNs, CO 44 (48, 52) sts in Color A. Arrange on three needles, join, and work in (k2, p2) rib for 2” (5 cm), changing colors every 8 rnds.
Change to size 3 DPNs and knit every rnd. Change colors every 8 rnds until piece measures 6 (7, 8)” [10 (15, 20) cm] from beginning.
Change to the previous row color (not the next one in the sequence).
Turn and p22 (24, 26) sts onto a single needle to work heel.
Leave remaining 22 (24, 26) (instep) sts on two needles. Work heel back and forth as follows:
Row 1: *sl 1 as if to purl, k1; repeat from * to end of row.
Row 2: Sl 1, purl across.
Repeat Rows 1–2 until heel measures 2 (2.5, 3)” [5 (6, 8) cm] or approximately 16 (20, 24) rows, ending with Row 1.

Turn heel
Work a series of short rows from center of heel:
Row 1: Sl 1, p12 (12, 14), p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 2: Sl 1, k5, ssk, k1, turn.
Row 3: Sl 1, p6, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 4: Sl 1, k7, ssk, k1, turn.
Repeat (increasing number of stitches purl or knit each row), until all stitches have been added to row.
There should be 14 (15, 16) stitches remaining.
End heel on a knit row, adding an extra row if necessary.

Using the next color in the sequence from before the heel, pick up and k12 (13, 13) sts on side of heel flap with spare needle
K22 (24, 26) sts (held in reserve for instep) onto second needle.
Pick up and k12 (12, 13) sts on other side of heel flap with third needle and k7 (8, 8) heel sts onto same needle.
PM on first needle and then slip other 7 (7, 8) heel sts onto end of first needle. Note: Stitch marker notes end of round for color changing.
There should be a total of 60 (64, 68) sts on three needles at this point.
Needles 1 and 3 should have (19, 20, 21) sts.
Needle 2 should have 22 (24, 26) sts.

Decrease Round
Needle 1: Knit to last 3 sts, ssk, k1.
Needle 2: Knit.
Needle 3: K1, k2tog, knit remaining sts.
Changing colors every 8 rnds, work 1 rnd even and 1 Decrease Round until 44 (48, 52) sts remain.
Needles 1 and 3 should have 11 (12, 13) sts and Needle 2 should have 22 (24, 26) sts.
Knit around on 44 (48, 52) sts until foot measures 2” (5 cm) less than desired length.
Toe Shaping
Needle 1: Knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Needle 2: K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Needle 3: K1, ssk, knit to end.

Repeat one knit round, one Decrease Round until 12 (16, 16) sts remain.
Knit remaining sts from Needle 1 onto Needle 3—6 (8, 8) sts on each needle.
Cut 12” (30 cm) tail of yarn and thread onto tapestry needle.
Hold sock with yarn at right side, tail coming from the rear needle.
Finish toe in Kitchener stitch. Use a tapestry needle to pull the tail through the end of the sock.

Repeat instructions for second sock, either with the same color sequence or, as shown on the model, switch it up a little by starting with Color C and working your stripe sequence from there.

—From Knits for Nerds: 30 Projects Science Fiction, Comic Books, Fantasy by Joan of Dark a.k.a. Toni Carr/Andrews McMeel Publishing

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