Written by Steve Orlando
Art by Jan Duursema
Published by DC Comics
“Whoever you are, you wove these spells into the storm! You wanted my attention… Here I am!”
Wonder Woman has returned to Boston.
And author Steve Orlando is wasting no time making her presence known in the Cradle of Liberty.
That comes with its share of uncertainty for a city with 700,000 residents that has never (in this version of the DCU, at least) been the home of a major superhero before.
Much less one of the Trinity.
Already, Diana’s fight with Cheetah has turned the lower seaport into a war zone. Now the city’s being ravaged by a storm so ferocious and unprecedented, it’s all hands-on deck.
For Detective Nora Nunes that means sticking to Wonder Woman like glue. Many superheroes might chafe at the idea of a public servant chaperone, but Princess Diana has never been one to stand alone. Not when there’s work to do.
Etta Candy’s on hand as well, on the scene to provide support with her new relief organization, Triple S – which stands for Sight, Support, and Sustenance apparently. Nice to see Etta landing on her feet after the events of Leviathan, though I can’t help but think of another organization in the DCU which sports the same three initials… and I certainly hope that’s the only similarity between the two.
But the real fight this day is at the eye of the storm, where the newly revealed, mysterious Dark Fates wait for Wonder Woman, with a taunting portent of things to come.
It’s a welcome move in the direction of the weird and disturbing, something Orlando seems to have a particular flair for.
It also serves as an appropriately mythic turn for what promises to be one of the most eventful and challenging years of Diana’s life. Certainly, the Dark Fates seem to have her number. With an agenda that seems distressingly consistent with many of the challenges facing our society today.
But speaking of, that’s not the only dire portent in the wind.
Because Paula von Gunther, aka the Nazi villainess Warmonger, is back on the scene with an agenda of her own. One that involves a recruitment drive that sounds all but apocalyptic, and one that’s sure to spell big trouble for Princess Diana in the months ahead.
Good thing Diana’s also got a good collection of strong women gathering around her now. I can only hope that this will come to include a certain unexpected firebrand that’s near and dear to Mr. Orlando’s heart. Good to have the cameo at least.
On pencils this month, is the wonderful Jan Duursema doing her very best to channel the shining cinematic feel of Gal Gadot striding around amongst the rest of us mere mortals. Making it all the more potent when Diana’s new bracelets draw down the fury of the storm to spectacular effect.
She’ll be replaced by Max Raynor next month for a quick two-party story. But it sure is a nice way to kick off this newest season of Wonder Woman in DC comics.
Something tells me it’s going to be one of the best we’ve ever seen.
Next Issue: Swords & Sorcery

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