Written by Mark Russell
Art by Stephen Byrne
Published by DC Comics
This is one of my favorite series that DC has put out this year. I love it. Every issue is fun and full of life! Mark Russell writes some of the best and just plain enjoyable stories out there.
This issue is fantastic and is definitely one of my favorite issues in the series thus far!
The opening scene has Jayna and Zan talking with Polly Math. She is angry with Jayna especially and won’t open up to her. It sets up a nice tone to the issue and gives it a bit of emotional resonance.
Then, it gets crazy from there.
Batman shows up in the Batwing proclaiming that tours for the Hall of Justice are canceled. He says that both himself and Superman need the help of the Wonder Twins.
The Wonder Twins assist the World’s Finest in a really fun scene. Then, they head on back to listen to Polly and everything that is bothering her presently.
Polly then opens up. She gives the twins a bit of history on her family starting in 1988. She tells the twins all about their painful history on Exxor. She opens up to the two of them.
That is when Jayna opens up to Polly about her and Zan’s painful history. It is rather sweet and well handled by Russell. But I expected nothing less. I really just loved this. Russell really nails the story.
By the end of the issue, we are left with a villain about to strike. This issue was a nice breather and now it feels like the stakes are higher. I’m excited to see what happens from here.
And I can’t finish the review without mentioning the fantastic art of Stephen Byrne. He is one of the best artists to come down the line in quite some time. Coupled together with Russell, these two creators have made another fantastic issue yet again.

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