This fact-based story chronicles Barney (James Earl Jones) and Betty Hill (Estelle Parsons), an average couple who encounter a UFO but refuse to discuss the incident, only to find years later that their secret is putting a strain on both themselves and their marriage. They decide to visit a psychiatrist (Barnard Hughes) and, under hypnosis, deliver remarkably similar stories about the aliens they believe they saw, and what might have happened to them on that fateful night.
And we’re giving away three copies!
To enter, send an email with the subject header “THE UFO INCIDENT” to geekcontest @ gmail dot com and answer the following question:
Two years after The UFO Incident aired, James Earl Jones voiced this iconic science fiction character?
Please include your name, and address (U.S. only. You must be 18 years old).
Only one entry per person and a winner will be chosen at random.
Contest ends at 11:59 PM EST on July 11th, 2022