In Edgar Wright’s psychological thriller, Eloise (Thomasin McKenzie, Jojo Rabbit, Old), an aspiring fashion designer, is mysteriously able to enter the 1960s, where she encounters a dazzling wannabe singer, Sandie (Anya Taylor-Joy, Emma, “The Queen’s Gambit”). But the glamour is not all it appears to be, and the dreams of the past start to crack and splinter into something far darker.
And we’re giving away a copy!
To enter, send an email with the subject header “LAST NIGHT” to geekcontest @ gmail dot com and answer the following question:
Both Thomasin McKenzie and Anya Taylor-Joy have previously worked
(separately) with director M. Night Shyamalan in these films?
Please include your name, and address (U.S. only. You must be 18 years old).
Only one entry per person and a winner will be chosen at random.
Contest ends at 11:59 PM EST on January 23, 2022