Exploring the somewhat darker and more mysterious side of the Lewis Carroll’s classic book, the movie follows Alice Liddell (the book’s inspiration) as an old woman who is haunted by the characters she was once so amused by. As she thinks back on it, she starts to see her relationship with the shy author/professor in a new way and realizes the vast change between the young Alice and the old.
And we’re giving away five copies!
To enter, send an email with the subject header “DREAMCHILD” to geekcontest @ gmail dot com and answer the following question:
Dreamchild features actor William Hootkins. Which of these films did he not appear in?
- Flash Gordon
- Star Wars
- Batman
- Lethal Weapon 2
- Raiders of The Lost Ark
Please include your name, and address (U.S. only. You must be 18 years old).
Only one entry per person and a winner will be chosen at random.
Contest ends at 11:59 PM EST on September 11th, 2022
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