Tribes – The Dog Years- is not only gorgeous, but creatively pushes the boundaries of the printed page.
The term “widescreen comics” gets thrown around a lot. Mostly because the level of violence and Bruckheimer levels of destruction. Tribes is truly a widescreen book for another reason.
Published in a horizontal landscape format, the graphic novel (and this is a graphic novel, not just a random collection of issues), combines elements of Logan’s Run, Avatar, The Road Warrior, and Akira into a completely fresh, engrossing story that deserves a spot on everyone’s reading list.
Michael Geszel and Peter Spinetta’s script is set a century after an apocalypse which shortened the lifespan to 21 years. Humanity lives in tribes within the brush amidst the junkyard ruins of the past; is there hope? Can humanity’s damaged lifespan be restored?
The real selling point of the book is the stunning art by Inaki Miranda.

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