Art by Chris Schweitzer
Published by Image Comics
Man, this book is a lot of fun.
It has a crazy high concept that really works on multiple levels. The books creative team truly put the petal to the metal with this issue and it is really is a solid issue overall with a ton of action.
After Trigger Keaton’s murder, his six former sidekicks undergo quite a trial by fire. The action continues in this issue where the trio of former sidekicks are trying to hire some muscle to help them save themselves from certain forces out there.
It is very entertaining to watch this all happen. The sidekicks don’t have too good a handle on the situation so it is a blast to watch them bumble around. But then, everyone decides to do something really stupid that really messes things up.
They all decide to get drunk. This makes them do some really bad decisions. It is funny to watch and to see their struggle. The group then find themselves in a strange spot at the end of the issue and it looks like everyone is going to have some real problems ahead.
The story by Starks is very strong. It is funny and full of some really great characters. The art by Chris Schweitzer is tops. I love what he is doing with this book and he is only getting better. This is another fine issue of this series.

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