Written and Illustrated by Michael Walsh
Published by Image Comics
Man, this is quite the interesting book.
I love the way each issue has a new writer, taking over with a fresh story. The writers have also been some of the hottest writers in the business. There have been some really great stories in the book.
This story takes place in older times. That is a the cool thing about this book. Last issue, took place in the far flung future. This one takes place in small New England village, sort of like The Crucible in a way.
You just never know what to expect with this book.
A young woman is accused of witchcraft. We get to see what happens when the town goes crazy and also how they handle it. A lot of bad things happen and the village people can’t handle it.
This issue also serves as an origin story of sorts. We get to see how the Silver Coin is forged. We also get to see where it has it’s first influence on humanity. Let me just say without spoiling anything that it isn’t pretty.
The issue by Michael Walsh is well written. I love everything about it and it has some great world building. The art, also by Walsh, is only getting better. This is a good issue and it is very strong.
I am interested as to where they can take the concept from here.
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