Written by Rick Remender
Art by Eric Powell
Published by Image Comics
This has been a wild ride so far.
Writer Rick Remender is clearly having a lot of fun writing this. The stories are pretty nuts and I love the direction he takes us in each issue. This has been very enjoyable thus far and it is a series that seems to only be getting better.
The Scorpionus has a weapon that is really bad! It could destroy everything all at once! Sister Mary has caught wind of this and she takes it upon herself fo find the one thing that can possibly stop this weapon from being activated.
Unfortunately, that thing is the Scumbag in the book’s title.
That’s right! Old Ernie Ray!
Sister Mary sets off to try to convince our Scumbag into helping out the known universe.
But Ernie Ray isn’t too keen on this idea. This whole sequence is pretty entertaining. Remender’s dialogue is priceless here and I found myself laughing a lot.
We then get to see Ernie Ray going off to deal with this threat. It is pretty fun overall but it did make me wonder if there is a bigger story than just this. I love the book so far but it has been a bit repetitive. It ends in a fun fashion though, and I did enjoy this individual story very much.
This book has had a roster of different artists, though this issue’s may be my favorite.
Eric Powell shows again that he is more than just a one trick pony (from his work on The Goon) and makes the artwork in this spectacular.
This is the best issue yet, and I hope there is a much bigger story to come in this book than what we have been given so far.

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