Check out what I checked out this week.
Whether the comics are inspiring or disappointing, I read them all.
Welcome to The Pull List.
And, as always…Spoilers ahead!
Jupiter’s Legacy #2 (Pick of the Week)
Writer: Mark Millar
Art: Frank Quitley
Colors: Peter Doherty
Publisher: Image Comics
Price: $2.99
Internal superhero conflict is nothing new, but when you add the generational differences of family to the mix, things get mighty interesting.
Mark Millar has crafted a story where saving lives is big business: from endorsement deals to political clout. The old guard believes in the system while the new guard has difficulty living up to the glorious reputation of their elders. Some lash out for the sake of lashing out, while others believe that they know better.
Jupiter, the Superman of this tale, tries to instill wisdom and knowledge but there are those who feel he needs to be knocked down from his holier than now perch.
The plot points come together seamlessly while presenting more questions than answers. Millar’s script captivates the reader from the first word balloon, while Frank Quitley does a great job of illustrating an imaginary premise in a real world setting.
If you ever wanted to know how you dethrone the greatest hero of all time, read this right now.
Grade: A
Star Wars: Legacy II #4
Writer: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman
Art: Gabriel Hardman
Colors: Rachelle Rosenberg
Cover: Dave Wilkins
Publishing: Dark Horse Comics
Price: $2.99
The second installment of the Legacy series has established a different kind of tone from its predecessor championed by the Skywalker clan.
With a member of the Solo family leading the way, things are sure to be anything but dull. A Sith warrior, who is impersonating an Imperial Knight, rushes to get a vital communication array online.
Meanwhile, Ania Solo and Saku have been taken prisoner and look for a means of escape.
Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman are great at giving each character their own voice, no matter their importance. The two main characters work off each other very well. Ania Solo is brash, daring, and unapologetic; kind of like her grandfather. This proves to be detrimental when she ignores the orders of Imperial Knight, Jao and tries to take out the Sith Lord.
Her friend, Sauk, a Mon Calamari, is essentially the cowardly lion who always thinks they are doomed when trouble is afoot and does the whole “I told you this was a bad idea” shtick during he and Ania’s incarceration. The artwork is at its best during the action sequences as Lightsaber duels and the use of force powers really show off their ferocity of their application.
Four issues in and Legacy II has given comic book fans something to be excited for and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Grade: B
Uncanny #1
Writer: Andy Diggle
Art: Aaron Campbell
Colors: Bill Crabtree
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Price: $3.99
It’s kind of ironic that this book is titled Uncanny because the talents of Andy Diggle and Aaron Campbell certainly fall under that category.
The main character’s name is Weaver, a hustler with a supernatural gift. The catch is, his gift is limited and it bites him in in the rear end at a card game with big stakes. Weaver narrates the story so we see everything through his eyes and while he makes a living through questionable means, his account of events is honest.
One of the things that drew me into the story was how Weaver, at first, appeared to be another guy who was sly, cocky and had an answer for everything which ultimately ends up not being the case. Aaron Campbell’s artwork perfectly complements the eerie and exhilarating tone set by Diggle.
If you are looking for something without a cape and cowl, Uncanny is a thrill ride that is definitely worth waiting in line for.
Grade: A-
Batman/Superman #1
Writer: Greg Pak
Art: Jae Lee & Ben Oliver
Colors: June Chung & Daniel Brown
Publisher: DC Comics
Price: $3.99
Pre-New 52, Superman/Batman was my favorite ongoing series.
Seeing the World’s Finest in standalone adventures was an extraordinary read because not only are they Earth’s greatest heroes, but they have a legendary friendship that has stood the test of time.
Now we turn the page to this new iteration of the big two where they meet for the very first time.
Greg Pak gives us a dual narration of events.
Clark Kent investigates the murder of Wayne Enterprise employees committed in Metropolis and bumps into Bruce Wayne.
Later on, they bump into each other again as their superhero alter egos, and of course, Batman thinks Superman is an alien menace and Superman thinks Batman is a criminal in a Bat suit. Everything is fantastic until a very confusing twist occurs where Batman and Superman end up fighting each other in Smallville and, know each other very well which was not the case four pages earlier.
Initially, I wasn’t sure if Jae Lee’s artwork was right for this story, but I was wrong. Lee presents a dramatically epic feel that would only work with characters of this magnitude. Besides the confusing ending, which I hope is cleared up in the next issue, Batman/Superman looks like a surefire winner for DC Comics and fans everywhere.
Grade: B+
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard #1 V. 2
Creator: David Peterson
Writers: Stan Sakai, Nick Tapalansky, & Ben Caldwell
Art: Stan Sakai, Alex Eckman & Ben Caldwell
Publisher: Archaia Entertainment
Price: $3.50
Mouse Guard is an exquisite piece of comic book literature that makes you proud to be a fan of the medium.
The mice within the world of Mouse Guard are simple characters yet brilliantly crafted by some of the best creators in the game today.
The backdrop of the story involves four mice who are charged with telling the best story, with the winner having their debt forgiven. We get three different stories full of humor and heroics all beautifully illustrated. Of course, after each story is told, the mice listening in attempt to poke holes in the story which provides some laughs and at the same time brings the word Legend to the forefront.
It doesn’t matter if the stories are true or not, it just matters is they are good. In this case, the stories are wonderfully told and a privilege to read.
Grade: A-
Aquaman #21
Writer: Geoff Johns
Art: Paul Pelletier & Sean Parsons
Colors: Rod Reis
Publisher: DC Comics
Price: $2.99
To say that a lot happens in this book is an understatement.
Mera is trying to fend off her ex-husband, Orm’s disciples are planning to break him out of Belle Reve prison, and Aquaman comes face to face with the dead king.
Paul Pelletier and Rod Reis are back after their absence from issue #20 and I couldn’t be happier. They work very well with Johns’ style of storytelling by throwing a lot at the reader while making it all easy to consume.
The closing sequences come off as the season finale of a TV show.
Aquaman swims in the coldest and darkest water he has ever been in while searching for the Scavenger as submarines surround an unsuspecting Atlantis. This book is a tidal wave of fun for all and it serves as a major development in the arc.
Grade: A-
Daredevil #27
Writer: Mark Waid
Art: Chris Samnee
Colors: Javier Rodriguez
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Price: $2.99
Daredevil finally comes face to face with the man who has made his life a living hell for the past two years, Bullseye, who is completely incapacitated in a metal cocoon.
That doesn’t stop him from seeking vengeance on the Man Without Fear. What makes Daredevil’s struggle intriguing is that even though he is normally one ahead of his opponents, but this time it was Bullseye who had him in checkmate at every turn.
The finale turns the tables on that notion as Daredevil, of course, puts an end to the villainy that has haunted him.
How it all comes together in the end is the crux of the story that only the masterful talents of Mark Waid could construct. If you have been reading this series since the beginning, you can appreciate the whirlwind of emotion this book has put us through.
With this story arc now brought to a conclusion, I can’t imagine what Mark Waid has in store for us next.
Grade: A-
Titles that didn’t make the list but may tickle your fancy
The Flash #21 (DC Comics)
Flash chases after Kid Flash and gets some surprising answers in the process.
Justice League #21 (DC Comics)
The entire issue is all about Shazam!
Battlestar Galactica #2 (Dynamite Entertainment)
Now that the Battlestar has never existed, Starbuck and Apollo find themselves stuck in an unusual time.

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