Edited by Marcus Parks, Henry Zebrowski,
Ben Kissel, Josh Frankel, Courtney Menard
Contributors: Marcus Parks, Henry Zebrowsk,
John Mcrea, Eliot Rahal and Ian Mcginty, Bob Fingerman,
Rick Veitch, Tyler Boss, Noah Van Sciver, Ryan Cady and
Morgan Beem, James Tynion IV, Logan Faerber, Fan Comic
Published by Z2 Comics
As a kid growing up in the 70s and 80s, I loved humor magazines like Mad Magazine and National Lampoon Magazine. At one time, these periodicals circulated in the millions.
However, as technology has improved and tastes have changed, these magazines fade irrelevance.
Now and then, I come across a piece of work that reminds me how much my tastes have changed.
I recall going over to my uncle’s house in Trenton, New Jersey, pouring over stacks, collecting Mad Magazine, and laughing my eight-year-old ass off.
Today I would probably open that same magazine and only be mildly amused.
The Last Comic Book on the Left is an offshoot of the wildly successful Last Podcast on the Left. It is a sincere attempt to revive and recreate these humor magazines of the past.
However, nothing in this book grabbed my attention outside of the Detective Popcorn short stories. Detective Popcorn deserves his only solo series, but this single gem is not worth the price of admission. Perhaps I would have to be a fan of the show for many of the stories to get the content?
I do not understand who would spend $20.00 on this book.
I wish I had more to say, but I do not.
Final Score: 2 out of 5 stars (the two stars are because Detective Popcorn engaged me)

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