Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Liam Sharp
Published by DC Comics
This was an incredibly great run.
I loved every moment of it and it has been incredibly inventive. Writer Grant Morrison and artist Liam Sharp are a really great team and have done things on this title that I never saw coming. I am sad to see this comic go but it has been an amazing ride.
Hal Jordan has been through a lot during this run.
Yet, nothing could prepare him for the battle that he faces now. He has to go up against one of his old friends, Hector Hammond. They are ready to face off against one another and it a battle to the death!
Hal has to muster all the willpower he can possibly get to take Hector on!
And let me just say, that it is a hell of a fight. It is an emotional fight too that doesn’t go how I was expecting. I have to say that I was quite impressed by it.
Morrison and Sharp also take every lingering plot thread from the series and wrap it up perfectly.
There were things that I forgot about that they tied up and I really appreciated what they did here. It is one hell of a last issue to say the least.
Morrison writes a great script here and I just loved it. This issue is a good coda for his work in comics. Sharp has never been better and really does a great job on this final issue.
Their run as creators on this title will never be forgotten. It was excellent.
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