The worlds of mythology and folklore are packed with mysterious creatures. Some are kind and lucky, some are playful and fun-loving and others are of a more malevolent nature altogether. There are also different spirits from particular parts of the world and according to specific cultures.
In fact, there are so many different kinds that it’s easy to get confused. But hopefully, this quick guide to some of the most common spirit creatures will give you a good heads-up should you ever be lucky, or unlucky, enough to meet one.
While elves are often portrayed as being innocent and naive, the reality is a little different. It seems like elves originated in Germany where their key characteristics are thought to be causing mischief and being unpredictable. They are also said to cause illnesses in both humans and cattle as well as being able to invade people’s dreams to cause nightmares. In fact, the German word for nightmare – Alpdruck – literally means “elf-pressure” as they are said to sit on the chest of their victims.
Long before the unpleasant folks who roam social media got the name, trolls were a feature of Scandinavian folklore. They are said to be evil, giant creatures that live in castles, only coming out after dark to terrorise the surrounding populace. Much like vampires, it is said that they will shrivel and die if exposed to sunlight. They even feature in the plays of the Norwegian Henrik Ibsen where they represent destructive instincts. Then, of course, there are also the ones that live under bridges and terrorise billy goats trying to cross.
Far more friendly and useful are leprechauns. Native to Ireland, these are also sometimes called “the little people” and are said to bring good luck. While they are traditionally supposed to be bootmakers, leprechauns are also always on the lookout for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This is why they feature in so many games like the very popular Rainbow Riches slots. In this, you’ll be guided along the road to riches by a friendly little leprechaun picking up bonuses and other features along the way. This slot implements the folklore by using gold, which helps activate certain bonuses. There’s even a wishing well.
Goblins, on the other hand, believe that it’s their place in the world to bring misery, unhappiness and misfortune wherever they go. Of the spirits described here, it’s goblins who are definitely the most diabolical. Only a few inches tall, they are also said to love amassing money and will perform the evilest tricks and deceptions to get hold of it.
A far kinder and more friendly creature, gnomes are supposed to live underground and perform much nicer tasks – and that’s why many people are happy to have them looking out over their gardens and even pretending to fish in their ponds.
Of course, many other spirits are supposed to be out there from kelpies to fairies, but these are the big (or should it be small?) five – and now you should know enough to easily tell the difference.

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