Written by Joshua Willliamson
Art by Christian Duce and Scott Kolins
Published by DC Comics
The final storyline from writer Joshua Williamson continues here!
The previous issue was completely exciting and this one picks up right where that one left off. I have to say that I absolutely love what is going on and, if it continues, this story will be the cap on a mighty run.
The opening pages have Barry being almost zen, and talking about the Starting Line.
The Starting Line is a part of the Speed Force that has not been tapped yet. He needs to get in touch with it and quickly.
Otherwise, everything he knows might be gone forever.
The Reverse Flash has already wrecked havoc in Barry Allen’s life. Now, it is up to the Flash and some familiar supporting characters (including Jay Garrick! Yes!) to try to piece it all together.
The thing is, instead of getting better, everything sort of just gets worse.
By the end of the issue, Barry is really not in a good place. He is physically and spirit beaten in a sense. But he refuses to back down. He may not have a choice though because the Reverse Flash has a team in play and, judging by that last page, they are ready to fight.
Williamson does a great job on this issue by taking the various story threads and keeping them accessible. The art change from Duce to Kolins is a bit jarring, but both do a great job here and I enjoyed this issue very much.
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