Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Martin Simmonds
With Elsa Charretier, Tyler Boss,
John J. Pearson, David Romero
Published by Image Comics
This is a book about conspiracy theories and the agency that handles looking into them.
It is one of the better books that James Tynion IV has written and it is very sharp and pointed. I love every second of it and it always seems to find a new way to explore conspiracy theories that we have all heard about.
The book focuses on a guy named Cole Turner. Cole is just an every day schmuck going about his life. He then comes across a conspiracy theory about the earth being flat.
There is a group that shows Cole a reality where that is so. It is a terrifying moment but it also introduces him to a world where anything is possible.
Cole then is promptly recruited into the Department of Truth. It is a hell of an organization that has its own colorful cast of characters. The person that is somehow in charge of all of this is Lee Harvey Oswald. This leads into some conspiracies about JFK and many others. We also get some Reptilian shapeshifters thrown in here for good measure.
We get to see Cole experience some disillusionment as he starts to learn more things about the Department themselves. He starts to question whether or not he joined the right side.
The Tulpas (the villains of the piece) are starting to gain more of a foothold in the world. Did Cole choose the wrong side? A lot of questions are raised throughout this intriguing series.
Tynion answers them all in incredible fashion. His writing has never been sharper than it is here. The characters and the situations they are put into are pretty great. The artwork by Martin Simmonds has never been my favorite. I enjoy the guest artists a little more, truthfully.
Still, this is a fine book and it is very enjoyable throughout this first volume of a much bigger story.

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