Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Martin Simmonds
Published by Image Comics
This book has been a really amazing journey thus far!
It has been creative as well as completely character driven. I have loved the places that writer James Tynion IV has taken us. The best part of it all is I feel that he is just getting started.
This issue is the start of a new story arc.
Everything we have learned thus far in this book is turned on it’s head. Agent Cole Turner is a part of the Department of Truth now. He feels like he is on the right side of things and playing for the absolute right team.
But what if he’s not?
He is starting to learn about what Lee Harvey Oswald did when he was with the Department. Let us just say that Cole isn’t too happy with what he is finding out. He starts to look for answers and that search takes him to some dark places.
He is then presented with two completely unsolvable riddles: Who is the Fictional Woman? Even more so, what does she want with Cole? He starts to really fall down the rabbit hole here and the issue ends on a really crazy note.
The story by Tynion is very good. It moves incredibly fast and has one heck of a weird vibe to it. I am still not a fan of Martins Simmonds artwork. It is still not appealing to me. He was off for a couple of issues and I loved the fill in artists.
Still the story works well enough, and this series is one hell of a ride.

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