Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Martin Simmonds
Published by Image Comics
This hit comic series continues in this issue.
Writer James Tynion IV has one heck of a story of his hands and it has been mostly delivering with each and every issue. I enjoying what he has been doing with this book very much and seeing the direction that he is taking it.
Agent Cole Turner has been put through a lot in these last few issues. It is starting to take a real toll on his well being. That being said, a whole lot more seems to be coming his way and he has to stand up and wade through it.
In this issue he has to deal with the American dream.
He has to deal with the lie of it all and what it all means. He finds himself with Hank Harrison who seems to know what America is really about. He decides to tell Cole all about it.
It is a lot more brutal than it would ever seem possible.
We learn about a lot of aspects that we all never thought possible. The whole story starts going one way and then takes a spin midway through it that I didn’t see coming.
It is very well done for sure.
At least the script is. Tynion does a great job building this world and making everything seamless. The art always takes me out of the book. It is not something visually that is pleasing in any way. That being said, this is a good issue overall.

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