Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Martin Simmonds
Published by Image Comics
This comic book continues to be a very interesting read.
I am unsure as to how much more invention can be done with it. It has a great concept and an obvious “bigger picture,” yet I am unsure how much further this can actually go.
We do get a very interesting concept explored in this issue which shows that maybe this book has a lot more steam. We get to see how some ideas form into half formed things. The creative team shows what that entails.
From there, we get to see how the Department of Truth gets involved.
They call these types of events “Bigfoot Hunts.”
So we get to see how one of these hunts is formed. We also get to see how Agent Cole Turner interprets his first such hunt.
It is really wise and cool to see this perspective from Cole’s point of view. He is our entry point to the events and it allows us to see them for the first time.
Then, we see Cole join his first Bigfoot Hunt.
Things do not go as expected.
The story by James Tynion IV is really great. Tynion really does a great job of scripting this to perfection. I very much enjoyed where we ended up by the end of the issue. I am intrigued to see if the quality stories on this book can possibly continue.

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