Written by Charles Soule
Art by Luke Ross
Published by Marvel Comics
Whereas The Mandalorian television show has done a fantastic job of honoring the mystique of Boba Fett, it seems that some issues of War of the Bounty Hunters are destroying that mystique.
This is one of those issues.
Boba’s bad-assery in this issue is counterbalanced by just as many decidedly un-Boba Fett moments.
As Fett makes planetfall and hatches a plan to infiltrate Crimson Dawn’s auction shin-dig to reclaim his prize, he’s ambushed by fellow bounty hunter Bossk. It’s a cool scene, but Fett’s talking is majorly distracting. We’re reminded of Boba and Bossk’s history dating back to The Clone Wars animated series, which is a nice touch.
However, considering that we see Bossk alive and well on Jabba’s sail barge in Return of the Jedi, we’re left with a few continuity defying questions as they part ways.
What was teased in Doctor Aphra #12 pays off here. Aphra’s mysterious stalker is none other than Fett in disguise.
If you’ve read Doctor Aphra #12, events overlap. Han Solo, frozen in Carbonite, is auctioned off.
As Fett coerces Aphra and Sana to do his bidding so he can reclaim Solo for himself, a series of disappointing events occur.
Let’s begin with the invited Imperial officers bidding on Solo for his intelligence value. As mentioned in Part 1, this doesn’t make sense in the context of Star Wars continuity.
Let’s also try to forget that seasoned Imperial telepathic influencer, Sly Moore, who has been with The Emperor since before he was Emperor, is genuinely surprised that the Hutts can’t be influenced by Jedi-like mind tricks.
However, the encounter I least suspected and would never have dreamed of in my worst nightmare, is Fett running into Leia, Lando and Chewie without someone losing a set of arms or getting incinerated.
I’m not liking where this meeting is going. At all.
I’m having PTSD flashbacks to the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special.
Exactly like Doctor Aphra #12, the issue ends with Darth Vader’s arrival to reclaim Solo.
With the exception of Doctor Aphra #12, each issue of the War of the Bounty Hunters series thus far has left off with an intriguing, cliff-hanging final panel that made me eager to see what’s next. I’m eager to see what happens after Darth Vader’s arrival, but this time the stakes couldn’t be higher for me personally. I want this series to be great.
I’m afraid that it won’t be.

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