There’s no doubt that everyone enjoys playing video games on their own, but when all is said and done, there really is nothing like gaming as part of a group. The shouts of desperation, the cries of joy, the frustration and the celebrations… these are all a part of communal gaming and quite frankly, are what make gaming such good fun. Over the years and across many consoles and hardware, many of us will have played a lot of games in a group.
True, not all of them have been classics, but there are several games which will always stick in our minds as being great to play with others.
These are the 5 best communal gaming experiences.
Call of Duty
Okay, it’s safe to say that every Call of Duty game is pretty much the same. However, every title is still a huge amount of fun, whether it’s part of the Modern Warfare or Black Ops series, or even a new take on a classic concept such as the recent WWII. Even though multiplayer gets very intense in a COD game – you’ll be shot, stabbed, and blown up about every 5 seconds – but you’ll have an epic time doing it. The classic deathmatches are always a big highlight: everyone is an enemy and there’s no mercy! Plus, with the Zombie mode, you’ve always got an extra layer of challenge whenever you find yourself bored of multiplayer.
Mario Kart
We’ve seen Mario Kart evolve all the way from the SNES to the Switch, and despite the game becoming louder, flashier and bigger every time, it always manages to retain the same level of multiplayer mayhem it’s been known to have. Even those who wouldn’t normally call themselves “gamers” still get competitive and have an awesome time with any Mario Kart title. The racing game has a good way of balancing out the skill levels, as even if you find yourself in 8th place, you may well get to the front somehow with a great power up. No multiplayer gaming night is complete without some Mario Kart.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
CS:GO may not carry a franchise name like Call of Duty or Halo, but it’s certainly one of the most popular first-person shooters of all time. You’ll usually have memorable shootouts and firefights in CS:GO, so much so that picking just one would take hours! The matchmaking is great on the Valve servers, but the fact that players are able to host their own servers is also fantastic. Many gamers prefer playing with people they know, as it’s simply an overall better communal experience. You’ll see this mentioned around the internet a fair bit if you like the idea of having your own gaming server one day for CS:GO, which is something many gamers are transitioning towards.
GoldenEye will regularly be in the top 10 games of the Nintendo 64. At the time, it was very new and shiny, with a multiplayer system so unique and exciting. Having up to 4 players was monumental, and the choice of weapons, stages, characters and modes was a huge reason as to why gamers kept coming back to GoldenEye again and again. True, everyone hated it when you picked Oddjob, but apart from that, the shootouts were usually very evenly matched and everyone progressed to a very high level. GoldenEye hasn’t aged well, as the graphics are borderline unwatchable now, but people will always have fond memories of this game.
Every year without fail, NBA 2K games have become better and better. Stunning graphics, fluid gameplay, and classy animations all make for a perfect NBA game. 2K always delivers. Since the NBA Live series has been spinning its wheels, 2K has shown itself to be the best company to carry the NBA name. As there are massive basketball fans all over the world, they expect only the best! Sure, this might be a game to induce ragequit like no other (maybe FIFA is worse), but if you’re the one winning, then happy days!

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