Written by Tom Sheridan
At by Rafa Sandoval
Published by DC Comics
I used to love the Teen Titans when I was a kid.
I feel like there was a really strong take on the concept with the Marv Wolfman/ George Perez era on the book and beyond.
Somewhere along the line, the books became less interesting and just kept getting farther from something that I liked. I am all for new concepts and new takes, but not much was working for me.
So, here we are.
Another new beginning for the Teen Titans.
Once again, it doesn’t work for me.
I actually really liked the concept. The original Teen Titans are now teachers for the incoming younger members, making Titans Tower into a school.
With this, we have new Teen Titans members who are an eclectic mix. The problem is that the kids just aren’t that interesting.
We get to see these kids headed over to Titans Tower at the beginning of the book.
This is easily the best scene of the comic as it is the first day of school and it is entertaining to see the kids arrive. It does get boring pretty quickly after that as the kids start to settle in.
The kids are being taught to be the next generation of heroes.
That is when the concept becomes part of the problem with this first issue: there isn’t much in the way of superhero conflict. It may be coming, but it makes this series seem pretty slight as a first issue.
We are introduced at the end of the issue to the mysterious Red X. I honestly hardly care to know what his story is. Tim Sheridan writes a pedestrian script here. I hope it picks up. Oh, well. At least the art by Rafa Sandoval is good to look at.

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