Back during the Reagan years there was a glut of violent action movies catering to folks who wanted less complicated heroes. The Sixties and...
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Back during the Reagan years there was a glut of violent action movies catering to folks who wanted less complicated heroes. The Sixties and...
I was never that into superhero comics. As a little kid growing up in the Sixties and early Seventies, I started out reading Harvey...
Way back in February of 1977, just a few months before Star Wars came out, I remember my best friend and I went to...
Someone recently tweeted the question, “What’s your favorite movie sword-fight?” Well, of course the obvious answers all popped up straightaway: the duels in Star...
At the end credits for the tenth Bond film, The Spy Who Loved Me, there was the usual little teaser for the next Bond...
I was a huge Godzilla fan as a kid. This was in the early ‘70s, so there were no videos, no DVDs, no electronic...
Night Shade Books has recently released Enormity, the debut novel by W.G. Marshall. Enormity is the strange tale of an American working in Korea,...
As a teenage movie nut in LA, here was my formula for a perfect summer Sunday: 1) Take bus to Hollywood with best friend. ...
When I think about what movies I loved as a teenager, I automatically go to the most obvious ones, the familiar stuff that anyone...
Yeesh. I just watched The Omega Man for the first time in many years. I never much liked that movie, and it hasn’t improved...
When I was a teenager, I joined the Science Fiction Book Club. The books were dirt cheap, so I ordered a lot of them,...
zeitgeist noun, often capitalized ˈtsīt-ˌgīst, ˈzīt- Definition: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era Zeitgeist is a bitch. I wrote this...
Okay, I just saw the movie Rango. It was pleasantly subversive in that it had no cute characters, no pretty or handsome faces, no...
I just had a brilliant idea. Awhile back I read J.W. Rinzler’s terrific book, The Making of Star Wars. It’s a fantastic, in-depth account...
I’m an old-school Star Wars fan. I’m talking about the original movie now, before the sequels and prequels, and even before it was called...
Here’s something I’ve been wondering about for a long time. I remember when the movie Alien 3 came out, there was this controversy about...
I’ve known author Walter Greatshell for close to a decade and his recent success is more than well deserved. In 2004, Berkley published his...