The minute the monstrous beasts in the trailer for the film Attack the Block opened their jaws, revealing their neon green, glowing teeth surrounded...
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The minute the monstrous beasts in the trailer for the film Attack the Block opened their jaws, revealing their neon green, glowing teeth surrounded...
Before there was The X-Files, there was Kolchak: the Night Stalker. Most of his cases saw the intrepid reporter, Carl Kolchak, battling vampires, monsters...
Hyenas get a bad rap. A really bad rap. They’re looked at as thieves, scavengers and parasites. Right next to Vultures, they’re the lawyers...
In the 60s, there were a lot of monsters following in Godzilla’s footsteps. Each nation wanted its own Kaiju: Korea created Yongary; England created...
Sometimes, monstrous creatures appear in the oddest of places. Disney/Pixar’s Up being one such example. The mysterious animal fits in well with the monsters...
If there is one thing good monsters do, it makes a franchise. If defies death and comes back for one more thrust to the...
In the 1950s and into the 60s, there were quite a few giant insect movies. They’re rare in the modern era, but do crop...
Vampires are one of the classic monsters and one of the oldest. The idea of the hungry dead dating well back in time to...
One of the silliest B-Movie Monsters ever created (right up there with the monster from The Giant Claw and the rabbits from Night of...
21 years before Alien there was this horror. Taking a look at the basic structure of both films, a movie buff can clearly see...
Zombies are almost always blamed on viruses. In movies, books and comics, if an explanation is given, it’s usually a virus. Or radiation—that stuff...
Zombies are almost always blamed on viruses. In movies, books and comics, if an explanation is given, it’s usually a virus. Or radiation—that stuff...
Bigfoot is one of the great public domain monsters of the 20th and 21st centuries. Iconic, widespread in the concept and easy to pull...
Animalia Bilateria Cephalopoda Coleoidea Sepioida Vermiformidae Caederus Americana a.k.a. “Graboid” The Tremors film series is one of the few inhuman monsters of the 90s...
Throughout his series of books, Curious George is referred to as a monkey. Taken from his home in Africa by the mysterious, unnamed “Man...
In the past few months, I’ve been re-watching The Cosby Show in entirety. I’m currently on season 6, when the show jumped the shark...
Mark Stevenson is not afraid to ask questions, regardless of what the answer might be. In his book, AN OPTIMIST’S TOUR OF THE FUTURE:...
Produced by the staff of the Charles Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Science, Boston Narrated by Debra Wise, Lisa Kaltenegger, David Charbonneau Running...
Monkeys are pretty funny. Except of course when they go batshit and eat off your face. It’s simple. Funny monkey. Not funny monkey. Now,...
I recently wrote an essay called “Geek Love” for the “Coupling” column of the Boston Globe Magazine. The essay discussed the fate of geek/non-geek...
I’d like to take a moment to consider the dog, Canis lupus familiaris, the historical companion to mankind, homo sapien. The dog, or a species...
Hey People! I hope you enjoyed my Emmy RANT. I was watching Entertainment Tonight and they were going on and on about the opening...
Now, I’m a smart guy. I’m not meaning to sound braggadocios at all, but I could be the most culturally-aware cat that I know....