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All posts tagged "Nostalgia"


Of the directors who worked on the fringes of Hollywood, no one was farther removed from the center of Tinseltown than Edward D. Wood...


Okay, perhaps that wasn’t the most elegant opening to a column ever but dammit, it’s true. I miss that engrossing display of teenage hormones...


When recalling the great directors of Hollywood’s golden age, one name that is all too often undeservedly overlooked is Edgar G. Ulmer. Ulmer is...


For fans of movies, television, video games and pop culture in general, nostalgia is a huge draw in looking back at all sorts of...


I love visiting my family back in the Midwest, but secretly, I think I love getting to visit the house I grew up in. ...


This past October I had the pleasure of volunteering at “Home Movie Day”, an all-day festival, held at locations all over the world, consisting...


A fun game for movie aficionados can be trying to remember the first film that really got them turned on to the medium as...