One of the nice things about this time of year is how, as winter descends and TV shows take a winter hiatus, it gives...
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One of the nice things about this time of year is how, as winter descends and TV shows take a winter hiatus, it gives...
I’ve lived in New York City for over 20 years now, so I’ve seen plenty of beloved places close. I arrived in the Big...
I am an unabashed Tarantino lover. I have loved just about all of his movies (Death Proof being the one exception…and really only because...
Today, I want to talk a bit about pop culture irony. Not irony in pop culture, which we’ve long had enough of. But ironic...
It appears that both 1985 and 1995 were friggin’ boom years for the movies and TV industry as most of the summer was spent...
Since the disastrous debut of the Fantastic Four reboot, two competing narratives have surfaced that attempt explain what when so wrong. One is that...
New York City has been the location for some of the most monumental pop culture battles of all time as The King of Monsters,...
One of the biggest losses of human life occurred in Starship Troopers during the Disaster on Klendathu. The Federation’s assault on the Arachnid planet...
He was just 17 years old and 107 pounds, but he had big dreams – to join the World Video Boxing Association. The esteemed...
Real Fake History has launched with Star Wars: The Battle of Endor. While Jon Snow and the Night’s Watch deal with a massive intelligence...
Available this month is Steve McQueen: Full Throttle Cool, an original graphic novel by Dwight Jon Zimmerman and Greg Scott. Steve McQueen once said,...
By Erin Maxwell JULY 1 Alive (1993) Based on the true story of Uruguay’s rugby team, who were forced to a more hardcore meal-plan...
Real Fake History has launched with Star Wars: The Battle of Endor. This 10-episode series parody of the History Channel, Real Fake History has...
I’ve spent four years writing about life as a black nerd and analyzing pop culture through that lens, and now the moment of truth...
It takes more than being the resourceful and loving head of a family to become a Great Movie Dad — the truly great movie...
The month of May saw the release of two geek-friendly sequels, one the swift family-friendly follow-up to a billion-dollar superhero all-star assembly, and the...
Mad Max: Fury Road is the first film I’ve constantly thought about in a long time. I saw it at a Thursday night preview,...
Poltergeist wasn’t a total flop this past weekend, though nothing out-of-the-park. Interestingly, when adjusted for inflation, it was a larger opening than the 1982...
Despite a strong box-office weekend, much has been written, reported and speculated about Avengers: Age of Ultron, and not all of it from the...
There’s no better slap in the face in the cold of winter than receiving a postcard from a traveling friend or family member from...
READ PART 1 HERE In its ongoing hunt for anything and everything that can adapted into passable entertainment, Tinseltown has managed to turn out...
In Hollywood, one great idea can yield a thousand projects. A single brilliant book at become a movie and its sequels, a television show...
Coming from Schiffer Publishing this May, is the cinegeek must have book of the year! Video cover art is a unique and largely lost...