Warner Bros. Discovery has meticulously remastered Max Fleischer’s treasured set of 17 animated Superman shorts from the original 35mm source elements. Max Fleischer’s Superman...
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Warner Bros. Discovery has meticulously remastered Max Fleischer’s treasured set of 17 animated Superman shorts from the original 35mm source elements. Max Fleischer’s Superman...
Jan Willem Bosman Jansen of Ignite Films acquires and restores Classics for the Future, as their motto says. Ignite Films is set to release...
In 1984 John Liu (a Taiwanese martial art guru) wrote, directed and starred in a movie called New York Ninja. Then, almost immediately after...
Review by Todd Sokolove Produced by Kim Henkel, Tobe Hooper, Jay Parsley, Richard Saenz Written by Kim Henkel, Tobe Hooper Directed by Tobe Hooper...