Written by Phillip K. Johnson, Sean Lewis
Art by Scott Godlewski , Sami Basri
Published by DC Comics
Man, Philip Kennedy Johnson is a hell of a writer.
In just a few short months, he has turned the entire Superman line of books on it’s head.
This is yet another fine entry into his ongoing story on this title. It only seems to be getting better at this point.
Superman and Superboy were both victims of the divide and conquer routine. The two of them are actually reeling from it as this issue begins.
Can the two of them regroup in enough time to get their heads back in the game?
They are both on a faraway planet and they both aren’t sure who the enemy is at this point.
The villainous Shadowland then decided to make it’s move. The two heroes may find themselves overwhelmed! They have to make their way out of their current situation.
That may prove to be harder than they think.
All of this, and they still have to go and find the source of the distress signal that they were both sent out to investigate. This is a strong story with some really great artwork.
The backup feature with Jimmy Olsen is cute and a bit annoying. Writer Sean Lewis and artist Sami Basri do their best with it. Jimmy Olsen leads his team to find the Projectress and it is silly and fun enough. The first story is the keeper though.
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