Written by Robbie Thompson
Art by Eduardo Pansica
Published by DC Comics
This Suicide Squad series trudges on with this new issue.
Honestly, it is not as bad as some of the other ones in recent years but it could still be better. This issue is just okay and there isn’t a lot that happens that makes me sit up and pay attention.
There is one thing that made me cringe, however. What is it you ask?
Well, apparently Amanda Waller has a new recruit for the the team.
Who is it, you ask?
Why, it is Ambush Bug.
You remember Ambush Bug, don’t you?
Ambush Bug has never worked for me as a character. He certainly doesn’t work as a character here. But the creators wanted to try something it seems, so here we go. Ambush Bug accompanies the team on a mission that is rather hellish. His awful and needless commentary took me right out of the book.
There is a whole story about the team going to the Rock Of Eternity and battling Rick Flag. It just doesn’t add up to much. Honestly, this whole issue felt pointless. Hopefully they can turn it around in upcoming stories.
I get what writer Robbie Thompson was trying to do. He just didn’t pull it off. The story is basically pointless. The art is decent, but couldn’t save it.
Overall, this issue is a throwaway, and it could have been better. Ah, well.
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