Written by Greg Pak
Art by Raffaele Ienco
Published by Marvel Comics
Do you remember the large tentacle monster from the Solo film during the Kessel Run scene?
It was hard to see the creature as a whole due to the maelstrom. Darth Vader gets to see the one-eyed, sharp-toothed creature in all its glory on the final stop to Exegol.
Greg Pak balances a lot of moving pieces all intertwined in Vader’s pursuit for answers.
I love how Pak uses Ochi of Bestoon as the most annoying back seat driver in the galaxy.
Trapped in a 30-year-old escape pod barely attached to a decrepit starfighter, Ochi begs Vader to go around the monster and red nebula between them and Exegol.
It reminded me of the many ships that flew through the treacherous nebula in The Rise of Skywalker when it was painfully obvious they could go around it.
Pak does a wonderful job of having Vader overcome obstacle after obstacle with increased difficulty. If Vader destroys 12 TIE Fighters, send 60 TIE Fighters. The Dark Lord flawlessly dispatches his foes while dealing with hallucinations prophesizing his demise.
Raffaele Ienco has done a fine job with his artwork throughout this story arc. However, it’s the inner personal moments that excel on the page. Visions of Vader, on the receiving end of his biggest triumphs, conveys a vulnerability not often seen. Through these moments, Ienco gracefully turns tragedy into power.
Power of realization Pak uses to give readers perhaps the boldest and bravest version of the titular character since he’s been in The Emperor’s employ.
The final page depicts a powerful image of Vader charging towards the dark temple on Exegol.
Oh boy! I can’t wait to see what secrets are uncovered. The First Order? Snoke? Something entirely different?
While we have to wait until April for the answers, Pak and Ienco produced an exciting penultimate chapter, finally putting Darth Vader in the driver’s seat.
Rating: B+

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