Written by Charles Soule
Art by Ramon Rosanas
Published by Marvel Comics
“The Will of Tarkin” storyline continues as Commander Zahra’s quest for revenge against Leia Organa takes center stage.
Zahra’s desire to avenge Tarkin was shown in the last issue. She failed to carry out his orders precisely by not bringing him the head of his target.
Here, Darth Vader locates Zarha reduced to working desk duty on a remote planet.
Zarha is transparent when Vader inquires why a pupil of Tarkin has fallen so far. Her honesty impresses Vader enough to give her one last shot at redemption.
Charles Soule presents the narrative on two fronts.
Ramon Rosanas illustrates a marvelous dog fight as X-Wings and Tie Fighters collide. It’s more than just panels filled with various fighter craft blowing each other up.
The Empire is blocking a Rebel squadron from launching their fighters, leaving Luke Skywalker and his unit on the ropes. Rosanas deserved credit for depicting a space battle that didn’t need much dialog to figure out what was going on.
The second front of the narrative shows Zahra instilling fear in Leia. It’s hard to imagine since her bravery in the original trilogy is inspiring.
However, Soule sells it well by highlighting the personal nature of Zarha’s contempt for the Princess of Alderaan.
Honestly, there isn’t much to this issue as it only had one task. Soule and Rossana achieve that task exceptionally well, which should pay emotional dividends moving forward.
Rating: B
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