Written by Scott Lobdell
Illustrated by Pete Woods
Published by DC Comics
Man, I’ve got to hand it to Scott Lobdell. He has written such a great series here. He has made Jason Todd so incredibly viable to the DC Universe. I love what he has done.
The last few issues have been just amazing. Now, we get a tie-in to DC’s Year Of The Villain storyline.
So the real question is, how is it?
Well, the issue starts out with the Penguin holding a gun towards Jason Todd. Jason has kept the Penguin as a captive and now he is free.
The Penguin looks to enact on some good old fashioned revenge.
He’s ready to pull the trigger too. He even calls Jason a “smarmy little yutz.” I laughed out loud at that.
The Penguin takes a shot!
Jason turns the tide against him! Then he has the Penguin at his mercy again. That’s when Bunker appears and decides to have a conversation with Jason. That’s when we learn that it was indeed Bunker who set the Penguin free.
They fight. A few things happen. Wingman appears. And then things just get resolved in a really great way. There’s a really touching scene that happens on a boat between Bruce and Jason.
Lobdell hits the emotions perfectly in that scene. The whole thing is beautifully illustrated as well by Pete Woods.
The last scene is the offer by Lex Luthor to Jason. It’s an intriguing scene for sure. This leaves us on a cliffhanger on what Jason is going to decide to do. I’m looking forward to the answer.
With a strong creative team like this, I’m know that I am in for a great story to come.
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