Written by Steve Orlando
Art by Patrick Piazzalunga
Published by Aftershock Comics
This book is very interesting for the most part. Steve Orlando is a decent writer and he usually brings a sense of quality to everything he does. This is no exception as there is a great story going on with action that does not let up.
So far, the story is about the Patron.
He was a hero who died thirty years ago. He died at the hands of a monster. The United Nations have decided to form another Patron almost Voltron style.
It is a good thing that they did because the monster that killed the original Patron is back.
It is up to this new team to put a stop to this monster. We get to see them go through a lot of preparation to face this terrible creature.
The problem is they just might not be ready.
The monster is also threatening to expose the Project Patron team for what they are! That would lead to some bad things happening. The team is also dealing with one of their team members being dead. Can they get past all of this and destroy this evil monster?
The plot is very good. Props to Orlando for keeping the excitement going. The artwork by Patrick Piazzalunga is perfect as well and very well done.
I love this entire book. I can’t wait to see how they bring it to a conclusion.

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