Written by Steve Orlando
Art by Patrick Piazzalunga
Published by Aftershock Comics
This is an interesting take on modern superhero comics.
It does indeed feel like a bunch of comic book concepts smashing together but I am enjoying it very much.
There is a lot of world building in this book and it is very well thought out!
Thirty years ago, the world lost the hero called the Patron in the worst possible way. There was a huge fistfight with the monster known as WOE. The United Nations had to act.
So they decided to do something unprecedented.
The United Nations decide to replace the Patron with a duplicate called the Reploid. We get to see the five pilots of the Reploid. It is reminiscent of Voltron for sure.
But then the leader of Project Patron suddenly dies.
We get to see the ramifications of it all. The team is torn apart. Things are looking pretty bleak. They all have to get it together soon though.
Otherwise, Matthew Mammon might make short work of them.
There is a lot that happens in this issue. All of it is great. Steve Orlando does a great job of writing a fun story that is pure entertainment. Patrick Piazzalunga does a great job on the art as well.
All in all, this is a fun book that is really working for me so far.

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