Or more accurately, “Premium Bust.”
New York bike messenger Wilee (as in the Coyote) has just picked up a
package that corrupt cop Bobby Monday desperately needs to get himself
out of underground Chinese Domino debt (since he’s apparently not very
good at math). Unfortunately for Monday, Wilee’s not about to cough it
up…at least not without a 75 minute chase through the Big Apple.
That premise screams check your brain at the door, sit back and enjoy
the ride, especially when your protagonist is the always reliable Joseph
Gordon-Levitt and the baddy is the wild-eyed Michael Shannon. Problem
is: JGL has absolutely nothing to work with. The script is devoid of
any real charm or humor and Shannon is forced to overcompensate for it
by chewing the scenery, but not in a good Gary “The Professional” Oldman
kinda way. They’re both terrific actors who unfortunately can’t
elevate the material.
The version of Premium Rush that was playing in my head — and would
have made it an instant cult classic — has JGL unknowingly trying to
deliver nuclear launch codes to the UN, while being pursued by
international assassins during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Because if you’re gonna go full retard, you go full retard. As is,
there’s not enough insanity or crazy stunt work/action scenes to make
this worth seeing in the theater.
Wait for cable. And if you
can’t…rent Quicksilver.

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