Written by Matt Hawkins
and Bryan Edward Hill
Art by Isaac Goodhart
Published by Top Cow/
Image Comics
Postal is a comic book series from a few years back that is finally collected in this edition.
It is a heck of an edition too, chock full of extras and other tidbits that fans of the series will love. I always thought that this book was incredibly underrated, so it is good to finally see the whole series in one perfect edition.
This comic begins in the small town of Eden, Wyoming.
The co-founder of this town is Mayor Laura Shiffron. She created a town of second chances for people. She lives in the town with her son, Mark, who has Asperger Syndrome.
Mark is also the postal representative for the town.
The series mostly focuses on Mark as he goes about his life on the town. It is a peaceful existence for him for the most part.
That is, until Eden’s other co-founder shows up. That co-founder is Isaac, who is a cruel and crazy man with a lot of resentment and even more anger.
He also just happens to be Mark’s father.
A lot of the tension in this series comes from Isaac and Laura vying for control over this town. There are tons of surprises that happen. A bunch of secrets are revealed as the series goes on. By the series conclusion, nobody in the book walks away unscathed. They are affected forever by the outcome of the book in terrifying ways.
The writers have come up with some really interesting characters for this series as well as some incredibly situations. It keeps your attention throughout and you genuinely care for everyone. The art by Goodhart is incredibly strong here. The graphics and storytelling are top notch. This is a book you can read over and over and always find new things as well.

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