Written and Illustrated
by Dustin Hansen
Published by DC Zoom
I’m not a big RPG guy. My son is really into it and some years back so was my wife, but I never have been.
As far as video games, I played more than my share between 1981 and the early 2000s but just kind of lost interest. Again, my wife and son remained more into them than I was after that.
Unfortunately—and perhaps because of the above—the cleverly titled My Video Game Ate My Homework kind of left me cold.
But then, I’m clearly not its intended audience.
The basic plot has a group of kids being sucked into a virtual reality game scenario by a broken video game intended to have been a school prize. From there, they travel from realm to realm, coming across at times like Dorothy Gale and her friends searching for the Emerald City in Oz.
The game gives them all new names, special powers, and abilities, and is slowly turning one boy into a bear.
In the time-honored manner of both live and video RPGs, they collect objects and spells as they travel, many of which come in handy as they encounter obstacles such as giant, vomiting frogs, zombie bone rats, and candlelit spiders.
Some interesting visuals throughout although the murky browns and greens color scheme that dominates is off-putting, and odd for a supposed super high-tech virtual reality video game.
An interesting if not all together unexpected reveal for the Final Boss leads to the most exciting sequence in the book but we’re already toward the end by that point. And then when we do get to the end, the books continues on a bit longer than it needs to with some anticlimactic scenes.
Video game designer Dustin Hansen is the creator behind My Video Game Ate My Homework and it’s clear it was a labor of love for him. If you’re of a certain age and/or mindset, reading it might be a labor of love for you as well.
For me, though, this is one time I just couldn’t get in touch with my inner 12-year-old.

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